Glenlamond College Class of 2010 Leaver's Ball
Floreat Glenalmond
William Ewart Gladstone was a British Liberal statesman, served as Prime Minister four times and founded Glenalmond College in 1847. Jemma Pearson (who's other works include the Darwin statue at Shrewsbury School) was commisioned to sculpt the great man. It was unveiled at Coll in the main quad, underneath the beautiful oriel window on the July the 3rd 2010. The pipe and drum bands struck up and several hundred onlookers celebrated the moment.
'Jemma's inspiration for this particular portrait sculpture was based on an actual journey that he made at the age of 42 to consecrate the new college chapel in 1851. Jemma's portrait depicts him wearing informal clothes with stout shoes, walking stick in hand, and a sprig of heather that he might have picked along the way in his lapel. He is holding the drawings and plans of the college as it is developing infront of him and surveying the scene with enthusism and command.'